I 'm home... and I am shattered after an incredible weekend in what was like another planet. 'Moose-land' is the nick-name among buggiers, for the area of sand dunes at the end of the Muriwai Peninsula. Moose-land is also where I found kite buggy nirvana. The only way to get there is 50km along Muriwai beach by 4x4 or when the wind is just right, as it was for us, you can 'Moose-nuke' the beach. The wind Saturday morning was hitting the beach at the perfect angle to power us straight up the beach in one long reach. Thats 50km fully powered-up with the biggest power-kite you can hold onto going as fast as you dare. No engines, no noise but the wind in your lines, no fumes, and no brakes! Ted drove the van up the beach, so I used his 5-wheel buggy, and my new 6.3m C-Quad to moose-nuke Muriwai Beach in 1 hour 17 minutes with a top speed of 48.5kph. Awesome! The most fun I have had in a buggy... ever!
Heres one photo of base camp on Saturday evening for now. I have many stories to tell and a ga-zillion photos to post but right now I must rest....

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