Today was one of those days...
At work nothing would go right. I battled all day with "Unspecified" internal server errors, and roaming user profiles that don't roam. (Its actually surprisingly upsetting for me when my PC doesn't remember me anymore). I can't think of a more dispairing error message than "unspecified error". In english I think it means WTF but the PC lacks the vocabulary to really express itself in these situations.
I made literally no progress on anything, all day so by the time I left for home I felt drained (and grumpy).
Some stress relief was needed and a 2 hour paddle around the south coast of Pepin Island did the trick. It was nice to paddle on crystal clear water again. The last few weeks we've had so much rain the the waters everywhere were cloudy. I didn't realise how much I enjoy watching the sea floor drift by while kayaking until it was gone from view for a month or so.

8:06:49 PM