Kevin Schofield's Weblog
Musings on life, kids, work, the Internet, Microsoft, politics, orcas, etc.


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  Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sometimes you read something and you just feel like shouting "Yes!!! That's Me!!!" Well Ijust had that experience when reading this.
5:06:22 PM    comment []

Wow. What a week. Saw lots of cool things, met lots of amazing people. You can read the chronicles on the OtherBlog.

Bill flew home last night. I hid in my hotel room in DC, ordered in, watched the ball game, blogged a little, and basically vegged. It was heaven.

Dragged my butt out of bed this morning at 6:30, showered (but didn't shave -- what a privilege), dressed, packed up everything, slammed down breakfast in about 10 minutes, and caught a ride with one of Bill's security guys out to Reagan for a 9am flight back to Seattle. Flight was at overcapacity, and me in a center seat for five and a half hours. What a contrast from the rest of the week.

Got home about 1pm. I had all sorts of good intentions about things to do this afternoon, but the couch sucked me in and now I find myself having done essentially nothing except take a nap -- and not even a particularly good one at that. I must say, though, it is very nice to be home.

5:02:21 PM    comment []

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Last update: 11/1/2005; 5:41:38 AM.

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