Updated: 3/18/06; 6:45:16 AM.
Gary Mintchell's Feed Forward
Manufacturing and Leadership.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I was reading the latest Business Week last night and digested the article on Peter Drucker who died this month at 95. I've devoured his writings for over 30 years and used them as a guide throughout my checkered management career.

One comment really stuck with me from the article. The author notes that as Drucker grew disenchanted with the rampant greed in business of the late 90s, many thought he had outlived his time. I think that we have now outlived that time of the glorification of rampant greed. We see what it gets you. Jail time; destroyed companies; ruined investors; out of work employees -- gosh, all kinds of good things.

There's a reason why religions and philosophers (prior to the ascendancy of rationalist thought, anyway) have held greed to be a "sin" (translated "bad thing for living a successful life"). The most important thing for you to do while you are alive is to find the best way to live. Religions and philosophers sought that way and then tried to share it -- of course not always well, but they tried. Drucker is in that line of philosophers who tried to show people the best way to live -- and be a successful corporate manager at the same time. That's why he said to find out how you can contribute, not how much you can get.

May his writings remain among the best read business books.
2:53:17 PM    comment []

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