Updated: 9/2/06; 8:55:30 AM.
Gary Mintchell's Feed Forward
Manufacturing and Leadership.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Andy McDonald, chairman of OMAC, added his comments to the pot I stirred up with my post about the organization. OMAC is an organization that includes end users, OEMs and technology suppliers. I've had a little concern about the supplier side of the equation--are some of them looking to turn certain standards into competitive advantage? (Never heard of that happening before, did you? Or did the ISA SP 100 committee, sorry that's another story.) Dave Bauman did an extraordinary job as head of the MSMUG committee. His present role as executive director of the OMAC packaging work group must feel more like herding cats.

They both cite progress, but a lot of that was some time ago. I'm more disturbed by the survey that Dave alluded to that so few packaging end users specified things such as PackML and so few network their machines, yet. In the face of tough competition by companies that have adopted these standards and technologies, how do they expect to keep their jobs? My intent wasn't to be overly critical of OMAC but to stir up some feelings and get more people on board. I've assigned writers on a quarterly basis to do an article on progress made in packaging and tying packaging to processing at Automation World. For the last six months, we can't find a new story.

Check out Andy's and Dave's comments and respond to them telling them that you want to explore how to make your packaging area more competitive and help the cause. Or--respond to my blog and tell us we're full of it, with details of how you're going to beat the competition with old technologies. I was in politics once and I'm a referee now--I have a thick skin (sort of).

4:42:20 PM    comment []

There is a great thread developing on the mathematics of loop tuning at Emerson Process Experts blog. Check it out and add your 2.545454 cents.

4:28:19 PM    comment []

There's a reply to my OMAC challange from Dave Bauman who's with the packaging work group. He acknowledges some slippage but says that they are starting to rebuild the momentum. The survey he refers to will be published in the September Packaging World and I'm looking for the first opportunity to publish it in Automation World.

6:30:27 AM    comment []

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