Updated: 7/2/08; 5:19:25 PM.
Gary Mintchell's Feed Forward
Manufacturing and Leadership.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wrapping up on my stay in Phoenix at the Honeywell User Group meetings, here are the remaining product releases. There was some snafu with the PR people and I wound up without a Jack Bolick interview. He was expecting one, as was I. But, oh well.

In product news. An enhanced version of Experion Process Knowledge System (PKS) has been released. It allows plant operators to carefully coordinate process control, safety shutdown and fire and gas mitigation steps. In addition to the safety instrumented system (SIS) integration, Experion helps improve plant operations through embedded simulation capabilities used for comprehensive operator training and control, display and procedure validation. The system also introduces new integrated batch functionality that can significantly increase production as well as reliability for chemical and life sciences companies.

Through integration with the company's newest Safety Manager platform, Experion provides crucial safety and fire and gas information, such as pre-shutdown alerts, directly to operators using a common display. This allows Experion to provide operators with plant-wide SIS point data, diagnostics and system information, as well as alarms and events, operator displays and sequence-of-event information. It also reduces overall system and maintenance costs by reducing the amount of installed field sensor equipment.

Experion can also help increase production capacity through the new Experion Batch Manager. The system's embedded batch functionality allows chemical and life sciences customers to execute batches at the control level, versus using a separate server. This makes the system more reliable, less complex and easier to maintain. One beta customer calculated it would earn several million dollars in additional revenue by moving to a controller-based batch execution system.

Additionally, Experion features embedded integration capability with Honeywell's UniSim simulation tool and can be used to train operators on processes before they are implemented in a plant. This approach can help prepare operators for normal and abnormal operations and improves plant reliability by reducing operator errors. Experion's simulation capability also provides engineering efficiency by testing control strategies, displays, and procedures before applying them on live processes.

Another key capability of Experion is a unique alarm shelving utility that allows operators to better manage and prioritize alarms on their displays.  This capability is based on several years of collaboration between Honeywell and the Abnormal Situation Management consortium in the interest of improving operator effectiveness during abnormal situations that can lead to process upsets.

Experion also provides a reliable interface with third-party subsystems to reduce the overall cost of ownership. The Process Control Data Interface uses universally accepted Modbus TCP protocol to control devices such as remote terminal units, terminal servers, analyzers and scales.

Honeywell also announced two additions to its POMSnet web-based manufacturing execution system (MES) for the pharmaceutical industry: the latest platform upgrade of POMSnet and POMStrace, a new tracking technology that helps reduce patient risk by improving communication and response time during clinical trials.

POMSnet helps improve pharmaceutical manufacturing performance by controlling and tracking all aspects of production, promoting best practices, and capturing critical data for compliance, quality control and process improvement. The new POMSnet upgrade supports multiple languages and offers improved material handling and new recipe features that can reduce cycle times, roll-out time for new procedures, production errors and compliance costs. The new upgrade features a batch rescaling tool that automatically adjusts recipes to partial batch quantities and includes new weighing methods and dispensing rules for increased accuracy. The system can reduce production errors up to 50 percent.

The new POMSnet upgrade also includes integration with Honeywell's Procedure Analyst, an advanced software application that manages information about plans, production and supply chain performance. This integration allows pharmaceutical manufacturers to more effectively troubleshoot their batches for increased operational efficiency.

POMStrace reduces the effort to maintain and track inventory records for supplies used in clinical trials. The system provides up-to-date information on supply levels, including patient distribution. It also can reduce potential risks to patients in case of a canceled or recalled trial by blocking dispensing and providing immediate access to all logistical information. The system produces a traceability record of each patient kit and provides complete accounting for all materials.

7:53:37 PM    comment []

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