Friday, June 27, 2008 |
Check out this NASA visualization wall as reported on Engadget. Wouldn't this be cool in your plant?
9:38:32 AM
Here's a report in the Wall Street Journal about a meeting of economists in Denmark discussing what would be the best policies for helping the world's poor.
Top 3: Vitamin A and Zinc supplements Complete Doha round of free trade talks Iron supplements and salt iodization
Two of these would directly and immediately enhance health. The other would improve the economic base of the poor countries raising their standard of living.
In the same vein, I also saw a report about the Japanese big three automakers contemplating expansion to Africa. Just think what some economic development would do to enhance stability and well being? Two areas desperately in need of that are the Middle East and Africa. Unfortunately, despite the billions of dollars we're pumping into the Middle East for its oil, the money doesn't seem to be getting distributed well. That leads to too much imbalance of rich and poor (not enough in the middle) and therefore unrest among the poor.
7:59:35 AM
Kevin Kelly has started a meme about books that have influenced your life. He mentions only a few that I have read. The Bible, which has had significant influence on my thinking. He mentions The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand. That one may also have influenced me (or I was predisposed to be like Howard, I don't know). Kelly mentions science fiction. I don't remember all the scifi stuff I read as a kid, but there was a bunch which influenced me. Some others on my list include:
The Other Side of Silence, by Morton Kelsey, insights into your inner life Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig, on so many levels Carl Jung (I can't recall one particular title, but when I discovered people existed, I read everything by him I could find) Several works by Pierre Teilhard A Brief History of Everything, Ken Wilber A recent book that has influenced my thinking is Out of Control, Kevin Kelly (that's why I read his blog) When I was in jr. hi and high school I devoured Popular Science and Popular Electronics
Any thoughts?
7:48:59 AM
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