The user-driven control organization formed as "Open Modular Architecture Controller" with the dream of an open hardware control platform has finally changed its name to reflect changed realities since 1996. Actually, I've taken to calling it just OMAC Users Group. Just as WBF is just WBF or OPC is just OPC. But no, the organization, now under the auspices of ISA is now the "Organization for Manufacturing Automation and Control." Ah, there is a new mission statement, as well. "OMAC is the organization for Automation and Manufacturing Professionals that is dedicated to supporting the machine automation and operational needs of manufacturing."
Hmmm, that statement leaves a lot of wriggle room for interpretation. The intent is to acknowledge that the organization is trying to increase its potential membership base. In a "subtle change" the OMAC board has updated the logo to remove the words "users group." Membership from automation suppliers is now accepted--indeed, encouraged.
OMAC will hold its 2nd annual OMAC Technical Symposium December 3-4 in Charlotte, N.C. The event will be hosted by Okuma and Partners in THINC Facility, and will accommodate 80 guests. This year's theme will be Total System Evolution.
The organization states it has reached out to WBF, a fellow Automation Federation member, to plan a joint conference in 2009. OMAC hopes to broaden its audience in that manner. Since 1997 (I started attending in 1998), the main meeting of OMAC has been at the ARC Advisory Group Manufacturing Forum in Orlando. ARC provided the early support it needed to get off the ground.
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