
ENV Hydrogen Motorcycle Prototype

env_proto.jpgA British hydrogen company is showing off this ENV prototype motorcycle this week as a showcase for their 'CORE' fuel cell platform. There's no plans to produce the ENV, but that's okay¡Xwhere would you get the hydrogen? (Obviously, the company hopes to work around that in the future.)

Prototype: ENV Hydrogen Fuelcell Motorbike [Treehugger]

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
12:11:45 PM    

Polymer Vision Rollable Screen Video

polymer_vi.jpgWe wouldn't normally waste an entire post to tell you that a company had added a video to their marketing page, but when that company happens to be PolymerVision, makers of actual, working rollable displays, we think a little excess is in order. (Thanks, Shamus!)

Downloads Page (Check the Bottom) [PolymerVision]

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
9:57:37 AM    

PodShanking: A Revolution in Naming

podshank.jpgFor moment, I was excited to hear about 'PodShanking,' the idea and term coined in this article on The Mod Gods (which takes itself pretty seriously, but they'll get learn how to hack a girl to give it up soon enough). The whole shtick is that they are doing iPod-to-iPod direct transfers, except they are really just using voice recorders with line-in to make low(er)-fi versions of analog audio, which means the picture they made showing a single 1/8th-inch plug is fairly disingenuous. Anyway, I have no point, really, except I'd like for someone to finally explain to me why it's been 3 years and nobody has hacked together a way to do a direct transfer of digital files via the bottom port with a crossover cable. Don't tell me it's too hard, just do it. I'll be over here making a sandwich.

Also, that 'Joel Johnson' in the comments isn't me. I don't know what the hell he's talking about.

PodShanking: physical pod on pod penetration. [TheModGods via CoolHunting]

- lev (tips@gizmodo.com) [Gizmodo]
9:56:43 AM