Pete Wright's Radio Weblog
Musings on anything and everything, but mainly code!



09 September 2004

After living in St. Louis, Missouri, for a while I came across one or two people that worked for little known, but quite large Internet company called Savvis. There's one on the Well for example, hosting the Linux conference there. These people painted an image of themselves as uber-admins - Linux gurus fighting the good fight against the seedy worlds of 'hackers', and spammers, doing what they could from their lofty positions atop a major US player in Internet connectivity. After all, Savvis runs the communications for a number of huge wall street institutions and banks.

Well, it turns out Savvis were also responsible for raking in about $2 million dollars a month by hosting and supporting 148 of the worlds worst spammers. These are the people that will send your daughter emails about teen pornography, genital enlargement, drugs and how to make them. In short, Scum of the earth. Leaked memos have shown that Savvis was aware of what they were doing and had told staff to support these people and not make their lives difficult. In short, protect the scum of the earth and allow them an uninterrupted service to continue their depraved, sick, and often illegal acts.

Naturally, after the fact, Savvis CEO and board members are being all coy and "Oh no, we must put an end to this - how horrible", despite the presence of the leaked memos. All in all, it all smacks a little like Enron.

Let's hope Savvis learn their lesson through a sudden massive drop in income followed by a short and effective bankruptcy.

Full story at the BBC website.

9:06:29 AM    comment []

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