Updated: 11/19/05; 12:32:36 PM

 Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Windows Guru Calls For IE7 Boycott
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Care of Slashdot:

Paul Thurrott, a journalist that usually writes about all things windows related (and sometimes about Apple affairs too), made a call in a recent article to boycott Internet Explorer, due to Microsoft's approach (continued in IE7) of not supporting web standards: 'My advice here is simple: Boycott Internet Explorer. It is a cancer on the Web, and must be stopped. IE is insecure and is not standards-compliant, which makes it unworkable for both end users and Web content creators... You can turn the tide by demanding better from Microsoft and using a better alternative Web browser. I recommend and use Mozilla Firefox, but Apple Safari (Mac only) and Opera 8 are both worth considering as well.'

Personally, Paul isn't exactly the kind of journalist that you can put much stock in what he says based on his history, but in general, this is obviously some pretty sound advice. Many corporate customers are going to find themselves in a difficult position in the coming years as IE continues to be exploited yet they required it because they made the ass backwards decision to actually build web-apps that actually required IE. Been there, done that - fought that battle already. Perhaps since it's coming from Thurrott, whom some of these Windows admins will actually see as a reputable authority figure on all things Windows - and just maybe they'll act on it and make the switch away from IE.

As someone who has been involved in the day to day development of countless web apps over the last decade, I can say without hesitation that IE continues to be the absolute bane of our existence. Hopefully with IE7, we at least get a few significant strides forward when it comes to standards compliance. We can dream at least right? Sigh. Read the Slashdot discussion.

5:42:15 PM    
It really is cold when Hell freezes over (and Apple releases a multi-button mouse)
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Mighty Mouse? Steve, comon. Not to mention that name is already taken by one of your independent developers, but the name is just lame. The mouse however, looks fantastic. I'm going to try and track down one of these today and put it through it's paces. Leave it to Apple to take something as tired as the mouse and really do something interesting with it.

As trite as it seems to most Mac users, many, many potential switchers are always put off by the 1 button mouse but finally, that too can be put to bed. Now how long until the bluetooth version Steve?

7:54:20 AM