Updated: 11/19/05; 12:32:49 PM

 Thursday, August 18, 2005
Interview with John Gruber
A picture named purpledot.gif

The folks over at the GuideBookGallery.com have published a fantastic article with John Gruber of Daring Fireball fame. It's been said so many times before that it's far beyond cliche, but John truly is one of the best writers on the web and his keen sense of what makes a good user interface is something I find particularly interesting.

In the interview, John talks about various elements of the history of Mac OSX - going all the way back to the early developer previews right up to the 10.4 Tiger release. If you have any interest in seeing the world of Mac OSX from someone who has the perception to notice all of the little details, both good and bad, of this OS, give this interview a read.

3:07:57 PM