Updated: 11/19/05; 12:34:33 PM

 Friday, September 30, 2005
Collection of images showcasing Apple.com over the years

Starting WAY back in 1996 (remember those days? Back when companies were just discovering this IntraWeb thing-a-ma-bob and literally had not much more than a few of their company brochures online - God, designing was so much easier back then) someone took the time to document the various states of Apple.com throughout the years.

Lots of great images here, profiling the company when it was in severe decline, through the merger with NeXT, up through brighter moments such as the introduction of the company saving iMac and the initial iPod.

It's often easy to forget just far we've come and taking a visual stroll down memory lane, it's just incredible to look at the kinds of things we are doing on our Macs today vs just 10 years ago. I'm writing this on a beautiful 17" Powerbook in a dark room where the backlighted keyboard is just a lifesaver. As I write, I'm streaming a video over a wireless network, while iTunes is busy downloading half a dozen podcasts in the background. XCode is busy compiling a project, while Photoshop is grinding away on a series of recorded actions but a few other things and back in 1995, good lucking getting just a few minimal things to work in tandem.

7:09:24 AM