Updated: 01/07/2005; 08:31:48.

a blog of sex news and views

12 June 2005

Boston Herald: Sexual addiction may be hazardous to your mental health, according to Dr. Douglas Weiss, a national expert on the subject who has more than a dozen sex books to his credit.
``If you're a sex addict, you are probably depressed,'' Weiss said.


5:16:41 PM    trackback []comment []

Slate: Less cute, though equally wacky, is the cartoon porn. I began to notice, walking around town, all sorts of little storefronts with crowds of young, Japanese men out front, closely examining the backs of DVD boxes. Further reporting revealed that these stores sell anime pornography. This was intriguing from a sociological standpoint. I felt this could be a unique window into the unfettered Japanese id.


5:14:55 PM    trackback []comment []

0413Deepthroat-1Inside Deep Throat: Deep Throat isn't really about oral sex. The movie is really about one person on a quest for sexual satisfaction. There are notions in our society about what is acceptable sexually and romantically, a kind of moral concensus that keeps us all in line.  The whole point about Deep Throat is different strokes for different folks. The DNA of desire is encoded uniquely in each of us. And while her path might seem highly unusual, therein lies the film's very message: Linda's quest for satisfaction stands for every man and every woman's quest.


4:59:09 PM    trackback []comment []

Times of India: the latest sex manual, The Lowdown on Going Down, has a photograph of a naked woman on the cover, thighs raised suggestively, and between the covers are 144 pages of explicit instructions for oral gymnastics.

4:49:47 PM    trackback []comment []

Comfort Stand: Even if you have never seen a porn movie in your lifetime, almost everyone in the world knows what the 'Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka' represents... Each person, upon hearing it, mentally interprets the 'Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka' in their own way, fueling a range of emotions from lust to disgust. This CD represents 17 individual artists' interpretations of the 'Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka'; each providing their own unique cultural and geographic spin on the vibe that is "Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka'. From celebrations of the beauty of intimacy to a cautionary tale of excess, this collection of sound sculptures of the 'Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka' mystique from around the world will guide you into the heart of all that is 'Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka'.



12:59:50 PM    trackback []comment []

Mirror: Mention lesbians to any bloke and he'll be fantasising about girl-on-girl action before you know it. But when it comes to sexually satisfying a woman, lesbians and straight men have a lot in common. In Part Two of our Sex Tips guide, a gay woman tells men how to become the perfect lover.



12:52:09 PM    trackback []comment []

Guardian: The medicalisation of women's sexuality rolls on apace, once again relieving many struggling men of the worry that they just haven't been trying hard enough, while females are left high and dry - metaphorically and physically - because of their rotten choice in partners.



12:45:44 PM    trackback []comment []

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