Usernum 1014 : There are no secrets, only information you don't yet have.
Updated: 1/5/03; 12:37:44 PM.


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Monday, December 24, 2001

I spent the better part of the afternoon stomping out bugs in my new dataflow. I'm developing everything in Frontier and Radio

I'm getting better as I hone my skills. It only took me 25 posts to trace an html character encoding problem in an XML-RPC call on a manila site to create a new news item.

Now I'm going to prinsnapt some xmas pictures and stoke the fire!
11:03:51 PM    Discuss

By Jove I think I've done it!!Bethlehem ban 'a crime', Arafat says. The Palestinian leader condemns Israel's ban on his annual Christmas pilgrimage to Bethlehem with only hours left before the controversial Mass. [BBC News: world]
10:07:26 PM    Discuss

Ann Coulter makes a well informed pitch to attack France. Lots of facts about the French harbouring terrorists. Of course it's tounge in cheek, but still.... [via flutterby]
7:19:11 PM    Discuss

Consumers Urged to Protect Windows XP I advise purchasing a Mac
6:49:15 PM    Discuss

Trouble Ahead For Level 3. With four of its top 10 customers in financial straits, it's going to take some fancy footwork for the carrier to keep its bottom line intact. [ Top News]
6:43:51 PM    Discuss

European Airports Tighten Security. Airports around Europe tightened security Monday, some requiring passengers to send their shoes through X-ray machines, after a passenger allegedly tried to ignite explosives hidden in his sneakers on a flight from Paris to Miami. Airline safety, it exists only in your mind.
6:30:10 PM    Discuss

We've got a big week ahead of us!

We're all in the "Christmas spirit" here at the castle in Belgium. We celebrate 2 days of christmas in some European countries, similar to boxing day in the UK, we have friends and family over on the 26th to exchange gifts. Here's what I want.

On Friday my Mom is getting married to Bob, and we're all partying at the castle on Saturday.

The of course there's the new year and the Euro
12:27:39 PM    Discuss

Mark Twain. "Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." [#]
11:21:37 AM    Discuss

Is music tipping the future?. The future of the music industry is in doubt - when people are free to get any music they want for free, how will artists survive? And what role do the record companies play? In this article I examine the current model of music distribution, and make the case for tipping based payment. What do you think - is this how music should work, or is the current model sufficient? []
1:59:47 AM    Discuss

Explosives confirmed on US flight. A man arrested after a struggle on board a plane flying from Paris to Miami was carrying explosives, FBI tests show. [BBC News: world]
1:56:51 AM    Discuss

I think I'm just about all hacked out for the day. I spent almost all of it customizing the way the new Radio works. Now I have even more contrrol over the way I want my data to flow.

As a part of how I post to my weblog there's now a whole chain of events happening 'behind the scenes'. Stuff I used to do by hand. I'm using XML-RPC to update my blog now, which runs through a script that first determines where or to who I want the data routed, then it updates a private 'friendBlog'.

I'm still messing with all the bits, but I feel like I'm getting the best power out of both manila and radio now.

Off to bed....
1:25:19 AM    Discuss

I had no idea that there were problems in Holland and the U.K. with registrars that categorically refuse to assign ISSNs to Weblogs. One or two may have snuck through before the librarians realized they were being presented with a whole new category of people to turn down.
12:53:06 AM    Discuss

Thanks to the EAA, Santa will be allowed to deliver presents this year again. They submitted a Request for FAA Waiver which indeed was officially approved by the FAA. Have a look at the documents, it is worth it (check out the names of the crew) ;-) [Planenews Aviation Portal]
12:25:25 AM    Discuss

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