TV in Europe is all Euro this morning. Wim Duisenberg, the president of the European Central Bank opened the ceremonies this morning in Frankfurt. I know Wim, I've met him socially a couple of times and he's extremely calm and personable. He has very Santa-like qualities.
I was quite impressed with his Keynote. The Euro isn't about money, but about politics. A decision made in the 70's, to unify Europe has resulted in a true unification that becomes reality for over 300 million Europeans tonight at midnight.
This is very exciting, and the PR has been fabulous. Everyone is excited about our new 'country' and what the new currency will bring our economy.
What's funky about this process is the three countries who declined the incorporate the Euro, Sweden, Denmark and the United Kingdom, although Ireland is switching over.
I think I hear British TV news hosts and presenters talk about the euro with an ever so slightly presence of mockery. Could just be my imagination.
We're bound to have lots of wacky stuff happening in the first few weeks of our new money and neighborly spirit, kind of like everyone's on vacation in a foreign country and needs to do some head-math to calculate value. Unfortunately we'll all be tourists in our home countries. Again, that sounds exciting to me!
No matter where you live, what you think or currency you use, this is historical and it will be fun to be a participant.
1:08:54 PM