Sunday, February 17, 2002 |
The sun has gone down past the yardarm, so I'm going to build a fire and we're settling in for the evening. I made an interesting boo-boo today when I posted a screenshot of my Command Center. It included the cellphone# of one of Holland's more famous singers with a reminder to call him. Needless to say I'm sure there are some smiling Dutch bloggers out there :)
6:04:17 PM
No!!! Steve! Don't go to bed yet, please! I've been watching weblogs.com, following your every post, awaiting the birth of your tool (err, perhaps I should rephrase that?) I know I am not alone....
5:26:22 PM
JRo is piling onto a CNet story about GC, bandwidth and .com failures. I think it is finally becoming clear that almost every centralized .com failed to realize that unlike television and radio broadcast models, on the internet each 'viewer' you add to your audience increases your total cost.
4:00:46 PM
Alfred Hitchcock. "Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing to the need for it." [#]
3:25:05 PM
Is this still America? Where the Feds can legally demand to see which books you purchase?
2:55:25 PM
Wowie! I added the iFrames to my Desktop Website Commend Center. Now I get an update of the 15 most recently updates weblogs and automatic refresh of the current song playing on Wolf FM. Now this is really getting interesting....
2:28:13 PM
Whoops, hold on. iFrames *does* work under OS X. The actual webservice the iFrame was trying to call was unavailable.
This raises the question of a WebServiced world. If one service is down, how do I catch and resolve that? Locally?
12:16:33 PM
Bummer, looks like iFrames don't work under OSX :(
11:39:29 AM
Goodmorning from Belgium!
Yesterday was spent largely on preparing for the Radio show which kicks off March 8th. My co-host KidV drove down for the day and we had a good time thinking up stuff we want to do on the show.
BNN currently holds the broadcast rights to RobotWars, which is of course extremely popular, so I reckon we have an even better shot than most at getting a battlebot together. Hopefully we can entice some listeners to build us something that can kill, kill, kill!
Sorry, let myself go there.
This morning on my walk I'm ideating on using Radio to really connect our listeners to the show. Once we figure that oout I can probably move the work straight into the classroom :)
11:18:21 AM
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