I was reviewing the FatMan in a Bathtub session from BloggerCon and was intrigued by the Scripting News publishing system. It's a combination of both Manila and Radio. I'd really like to set up a similar system for myself (a diehard RU user) but there's only one problem: I can't get the permalinks to work properly. I recall Dave mentioning something about a custom script that creates the appropriate permalinks when saving a post in the radio outliner. Another feature is that the permalinks don't break when you promote or demote posts on the homepage.
12:29:16 PM
While reading this description of the apple OS X address book, It hit me that using OPML directories would make sharing my contacts and those of others a breeze. A directory is just like a (phone) directory I suppose. So feast your eyes on my contacts directory. If you have a contacts directory in opml, please send me the link so we can demonstrate linking in other contacts.
(ps) Anyone care to write an applescript to export the addressbook to OPML?
12:13:59 PM
Shifted Librarian: "I'm standing in the middle of a half-empty Silicon Valley parking lot, grinning like an idiot and holding a circuit board festooned with wires and other accoutrement. The cord from my Bose noise-canceling headphones snakes out of the board while, inside my head, I hear the clear dulcet tones of my favorite new band, The Assembly of Dust."
10:32:57 AM