Friday, February 15, 2002

> I come not to bury HTML, but to praise it appeared in the winter 1995 edition of, the now defunct, X-RAY magazine. I think it has held up fairly well. And it's interesting to look at what the web was like back then. At least how I saw it...   10:00:38 PM  Link    
> John VanDyk: Another tip, this one on getting the skunk smell off of yourself or your pet:
1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide; 1/4 cup of baking soda; and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap, which breaks up the oils in skunk spray and allows the other ingredients in the solution to do their stuff. The solution should be rinsed off with tap water.
[View from an Iowa Homestead]   8:16:03 PM  Link    
> Jonathon Delacour: Q. How many <table> tags on Steven Vore's Radio site? A. One (for the calendar).
[Jonathon Delacour]   7:26:07 PM  Link    
> Bill Simoni: Let's forget about CSS ;-) - it's time to create Better Living with XHTML.
[Binary by Accident]   2:19:38 PM  Link    
> Word of the Day: reticent
[ Word of the Day]   2:32:58 AM  Link