Eric Meyer: Our Hero gets an Apple Pro article about himself, points out his comic-book and encyclopedic renderings, and ponders his way to the question "do 'famous' people have a community responsibility?"
[Thoughts From Eric] 6:27:34 PM Link Google It!
Rogers Cadenhead: One goal in the move to new software on
Workbench is to salvage incoming links from other sites. When you break weblog entry permalinks, you break links on every site that referred to your entries. Because I use weblog archives as a research tool often in my programming, I don't want to hose permalinks switching from Radio UserLand to my hand-coded LAMP software. I thought I could write a short PHP script to redirect each old
Radio-style link to its
new link -- just grab the anchor portion of the URL that follows the pound sign ("#"), make a MySQL database query to match the old anchor to the new one, then redirect the request to the proper resource. No such luck...
[Workbench] 6:25:28 PM Link Google It!