Glenn Fleishman: The New York Times quietly turned off the fees for retrieving articles in the Technology section of its Web site, including Circuits. Good news for folks like me who like to research articles, and who have articles published in that area of interest. For instance, you can now read my very first Circuits article from July 1998--and see a picture of me bald--without paying...
[GlennLog] 8:18:13 PM Link Google It!
Jake Savin: Jeff has a great
post today on Bush's mishandling of the question about the flu vaccine crisis in last night's debate: "In the last debate you said we couldn't get prescription drugs from Canada because you weren't sure that they were safe, now we're suddenly looking to Canada to supply us with vaccines? Flip-flop, anyone?"
[] 4:42:13 PM Link Google It!
Doug Kaye: It's still only 11:30pm and I just determined that IT Conversations transferred more than 100GB of web-site and audio files today: 81.77GB of dowloads and streaming to the Windows Media Player, and just over 20GB of web-site and ShoutCast MP3 stream traffic. That's up by 4x over the September average. Why? ...
[Blogarithms] 2:54:24 AM Link Google It!