William Gibson: It never ceases to amaze me, how Josh Marshall can keep this administration's lies sorted, handily enough to cite and refute them, crisply and authoritatively, day after day. This must amount by now to knowing two entirely different versions of history off by heart, the one genuine, the other an endlessly (and indeed artlessly) exfoliating "tissue of sheerest horseshit"..
[Gibson Blog] 11:28:13 PM Link Google It!
Adam Curry: Several members of the original team that built the Whithouse website 10 years ago are
reporting that the Bush administration is
systematically changing and/or removing content from the archives. The original policy was that no content was ever to be removed or altered. A versioning system was put in place to ensure no breakage or alteration of history would occur. Let's get these assholes out of our whitehouse.
[Adam Curry's Weblog] 10:56:09 PM Link Google It!
Jon Udell: As
Bloglines continues to grow, its subscription data becomes more interesting. Yesterday, while demonstrating the application to some folks, I showed how you can navigate from a feed to the
list of subscribers to that feed. Only those subscribers who agree to make their data public are shown. So in my case, for example, there are only 755 public subscribers out of 2337 total subscribers. But that's more than enough transparency to do some useful data mining...
[Jon's Radio] 9:56:21 PM Link Google It!