David Sifry: We're having a Hackathon at our
new offices in San Francisco, on Wednesday, October 6. We're going to have lots of pizza and beer, and lots of outlets and free wifi. The idea is to actually do some real web services hacking that night after talking about it all day at the looks-to-be-great
Web 2.0 conference. If you're a hacker who knows about our
API, or is interested in learning more about coding web services, this is going to be a chance to hang out with our core developers as well as with other leading web services developers, with the goal being to foster great new applications and tools using those APIs. We're also really interested in sparking further conversation and getting feedback from you so that we can make Technorati more valuable for you. You don't have to be a Web 2.0 attendee to come to the hackathon - but there's sure to be lots of attendees there...
[Sifry's Alerts] 10:20:51 PM Link Google It!
Steve Kirks: Radio 8.1 is coming tonight. Make sure Radio is set to pick up root updates and you'll get the changes. Special thanks to
Patrick Ritchie,
Lawrence Lee and the beta testers on the radio-dev email list for helping us pull this release together. There's more to come in the next couple of weeks including comment and trackback deletion plus upstreaming improvements.
[house of warwick] 10:06:55 PM Link Google It!
Scott Young:
Paolo Valdemarin provided a very thoughtful
post on his decision making process around using open source Frontier or continuing under the UserLand license. I have had that question posted by several people and the best answer is that it depends on what you want to do. My advice is to listen to Dave's
Morning Coffee Notes and then carefully read the
license agreement. If a question sticks in your head or something doesn't make sense, find someone to help you figure it out. People that are building businesses around a particular piece of software have very different issues then people who are engaged in non-commercial activities. There is a whole community of knowledgeable people out there - don't be afraid to ask for help.
[Scott Young's Radio Weblog] 12:06:59 PM Link Google It!
Joshua Allen: OK, he posted a second post, so it looks like it's for real.
Mark Fussell is my manager, and now I don't have to worry about him reading my blog because I know he is too busy writing his. Now as long as Dare and I can keep nagging him, you should see a steady stream of new content.
[Better Living Through Software] 10:00:56 AM Link Google It!
Adam Curry: I bit the proverbial bullet last night and re-installed my OSX system.I must admit that it was totally painless, took a bit to download all the updates (about 100megs) but so far (stay away Murphy!) everything seems not only back to normal, but better than before. All my apps still work, prefs are still in place... Just like the old days when your Mac would hang or crash, just shut down, shake twice and restart... I'm lovin' it!
[Adam Curry's Weblog] 2:50:08 AM Link Google It!