Ali: I've been surfing the net yesterday and I found a post on Riverbend's blog via another blog that I can't remember now that was really interesting. I never wanted to criticize my fellow Iraqi bloggers but there are things that I just can't ignore; telling lies...
[IRAQ THE MODEL] 3:01:40 PM Link Google It!
Alwin Hawkins: Last night the chaplain was rounding in the CCU and sat down next to me. After going over his list of patients he hesitated, then asked, "Al, what are weblogs? I've been hearing and reading a lot about them lately, and people say you know something about them."I don't think I surprised him until I started showing that his collegues wrote them, too. Preachers got blog? ...
[code: theWebSocket;] 2:50:09 PM Link Google It!