David Brown: Well, it finally happened.
UserLand has release Frontier as
open source. GPL, no less. I'm honored to have been asked to participate, I just wish I could do more. I'm going to work with people to get it to build under XCode, and then I'm going to try to do some deep voodoo with it.
[it's getting better] 4:19:44 PM Link Google It!
Jeremy Zawodny: Back in January, I wrote about the My Yahoo RSS module that went into public beta testing. But what I didn't write about, for obvious reasons, was the thinking about the future of My Yahoo that was going on after that launch. This is clearly a different world than when My Yahoo was a New Thing. Personalization on the Web is Old News. Aggregation and Syndication are some of the hottest topics around these days...
[Jeremy Zawodny's blog] 1:01:09 AM Link Google It!