Adam Curry: Last night after reading
this piece pointed to by
Dave, I decided to check out my blog archive to see what I was writing at the time about the Bush 'switch' from searching for Osama Bin Laden to focusing our attention on Saddam and Iraq as the 'bad guys' and likely responsible for 9/11. July 6th 2002 I wrote an entire
essay about the topic, here's an excerpt:
"Since I can't get Osama's head on a stick, I call up my buddy Saddam Hussein and tell him I've got another walk-on part for him. I divert attention away from Afgahnistan in the opposite direction using some vague 'triangulation' verbage." Check out your own archives and re-publish your thoughts when you first saw this switch act. It will help people remember these important events when they go to the polls in november, I'm sure of it.
[Adam Curry's Weblog] 2:24:16 PM Link Google It!
Hossein Derakhshan: I just finished the wonderful work of Stephen Kinzer in All the Shah's Men and I should say that more than any book or article in my native language, Persian, it added to my knowledge about the roots and processes of the 1953 coup. As an Iranian, the book shed light on many details that either I didn't know about, or I had suspiciously taught in the history books in the school. For example I didn't know about Truman's objection to intervention in Iran. Neither I knew there hadn't been a full consensus in the Britain about the way Anglo-Iranian...
[Editor: Myself (English)] 2:19:24 PM Link Google It!
Jonathon Delacour. I never realized, until I bought a new indoor plant this week, that in England someone with a natural ability in growing plants is said to have "green fingers". In Australia I've only ever heard the American equivalent: "green thumb".
[The Heart of Things] 12:27:24 PM Link Google It!