Hossein Derakhshan: It's funny how Kerry is more and more adopting Howard Dean's messages and style and I believe that only by adopting a more aggressive message and style against Bush's extraordinary simplifications and lies, John Kerry can convince the America that he is a much wiser and honest leader than Bush. I really liked the idea of Kerry's midnight response and think by showing how he faces Bush, he can show that he is a confident and brave -- but not arrogant -- politician who really deserves to be the commander in chief. And as you might've noticed, I've begun...
[Editor: Myself (English)] 10:56:46 PM Link Google It!
Dan Lyke: Ouch. Now that I'm spending so much time talking to people, I'm not even doing interesting development that I can allude to on the blog. But I did replace our cracked toilet this morning with a pressurized tank Eljer. If you see me nervously pressing a flush handle from a distance... well... the first few flushes on this beasty are kinda scary. The instructions do warn you, but...
[Flutterby!] 8:50:16 PM Link Google It!
Scott Rosenberg: In his
addressto the Republican convention last night, Zell Miller showed he is nodemocrat. That's a lower-case "d": I'm not talking about the politicalparty Miller, a Georgia senator, nominally belongs to. I mean that Millerdoesn't seem to understand the simple basics of our system of government...
[Scott Rosenberg's Links & Comment] 3:29:03 PM Link Google It!
Scott Goldblatt: I want to take a moment to thank all 26,000 visitors from last month (1.5 million hits), but now the question stands - why keep visiting? Yes, the Olympics have certainly ended, but my adventures have not, and that is reason enough...
[Scott & Colleen's News of Note] 3:23:44 PM Link Google It!
Isabelle Hontebeyrie. The Web is 35 years old today. According to CNN, on September 2, 1969, "computer scientists at UCLA linked two bulky computers using a 15-foot gray cable, testing a new way to exchange data over networks."
NOTE: While the Internet, and its "web" of interconnected computers, is 35 years old today, the World Wide Web, which is more commonly known as the "Web", wasn't created until 1990 and wasn't much of a web until Mosaic was released in 1993.
1:39:25 PM Link Google It!