Jon Udell: After retracing his steps in order to correctly credit a link he had recently cited, Darren Barefoot wondered whether it had been worth the trouble...
[Jon's Radio] 12:17:34 PM Link Google It!
Hal Rager: I guess the time has come to announce this here. I have set up a WordPress weblog,
blivet 2.0, over at a new domain, For historical interest (I am an archaeologist after all).
blivet radio and my
old student pages have moved over there as well. There may be a Southwest/Great Basin archaeological wiki in the works, we'll see. The final step will be moving this site to a format that WordPress can accommodate. The last time I tried, my brain melted, but I know it can be done, thanks to
Susan. Of course, just because she can doesn't mean I can...
[blivet] 11:47:07 AM Link Google It!