Hossein Derakhshan: A big campaign has been organized by Iranian bloggers to protest against the recent arrests and the violent crackdown on the Internet. A big number of them have decided to not only copy and paste news from banned websites into their blogs, but to even symbolically change the name of their blogs to "Emrooz", the supposedly banned website which still operates, on Monday. Hundreds oi Iranian bloggers have announced their support for the protest and the number is growing rapidly. However, the protest needs some publicity by Western media to be enough effective....
[Editor: Myself (English)] 12:52:11 PM Link Google It!
Don Park: Being an entrepreneur means I have a fetish for domain names. I just got the openbookshelf.com and the gang. What is the chance of me actually using it? Near zero. Sometimes I feel like a dumb squirrel. Thankfully, there are dumber squirrels.
[Don Park's Daily Habit] 12:22:07 PM Link Google It!