Gina Smith: Can you believe this? The cops arrested the bikesagainstbush guy. If this isn't a case for the ACLU, I don't know what is. Excerpt from a news report: Bikesagainstbush creator Joshua Kinberg was arrested while taping an interview with MSNBC's...
[I'm Gina Smith] 4:49:08 AM Link Google It!
Xeni Jardin: Ahoy, stalkers, crank yankers, and evil telemarketer scumbags! Beginning this Wednesday, September 1, US-based online company will offer paying subscribers a Caller ID falsification service. Make-believe you're the White House! Or 1-800-CALL-ATT! Or, hell, get your '80s on and vamp out in 867-5309! Kevin Poulsen of SecurityFocus tried it out, and evidently the service checked out as providing what it promised. Users complete an online form with phone number, number they want to call, number they want to appear to be calling from; in a couple of seconds, the system rings back to patch them through to their call destination. But, like, in a secret numeric disguise: call recipients see the spoofed number displayed on Caller ID.
Link to
Register article (
via /., which contains some interesting debate from readers over whether or not the system is a truly effective spoofing mechanism)
[Boing Boing] 12:39:50 AM Link Google It!
Jeremy Zawodny: It seems that Friendster, who had no policy at all on employee blogging, has fired Joyce Park. You may remember her from such debates as Java vs. PHP. Or maybe her book. Or maybe mod_pubsub (blog). Take a minute. Go read her blog. See what you can find that's so offensive to the company that they had to fire her. I'm really resisting the urge to say what I really think...
[Jeremy Zawodny's blog] 12:07:12 AM Link Google It!