Wednesday, August 11, 2004

> Jeremy Faludi: Now your cat really can have nine lives: the first clone-to-order company is in business, and their business will be cloning pets. Any thoughts about...
[WorldChanging: Another World Is Here]   9:02:21 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Jon Udell: Back in February, I wrote an item on ways of using CSS class attributes to categorize content. Richard Soderberg wrote to ask if I'd looked into using Joshua Schacter's "social bookmarking" system It seems I never replied (sorry, Richard), but here is my belated response. Although I knew about at the time, I was then exploring an emergent style of XHTML-driven categorization. I wanted to be able to write queries like this to find, for example, Python code fragments. And now I can...
[Jon's Radio]   4:46:05 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Dave Winer: Here's something I've not seen before. RSS 2.0 feeds for TV networks, like CNBC, CNN, Comedy Central, ESPN, Fox News, MTV, Showtime, VH1.
[Scripting News]   5:50:05 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Cory Doctorow: GeekCorps founder Ethan Zuckerman (whose org sends volunteers nerds from around the world to Africa to help extend technology to some of the world's poorest nations) has a great essay up about the ways in which blogs currently fail to bridge the gap to Africa and how this can be changed...
[Boing Boing]   4:19:04 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Denise M. Howell: My grandma is going to DIG this — Ok, so it's a little too-too. Too-cute-by-half, as one of my colleagues is fond of saying. At least it'll be a break from those ubiquitous LOVE stamps on wedding invitations. [Via NPR]
[Bag and Baggage]   12:52:12 AM  Link  Google It!