Tuesday, August 24, 2004

> Marc Canter: Whether you're spieling on about Atom APIs, Laszlo BlogBox objects or a fancy media asset management systems with sexy RIA interface - it's clear that lots of folks are figuring out where we're all going. The ants are united in their intentions. That's why I'm so gung ho about new kinds of micro-content. It's exactly the sort of standard that everyone can interpret their own way, add their own value added onto it - while still having the sort of infrastructure that Doc and Tom O'Reilly talk about. It's the combinatoon of a Web OS, lots of micro-content standards and this decentralzied, mesh world at the 'edge' of the network - that will not only keep us all honest and happy - but also wealthy and wise.
[Marc's Voice]   11:18:08 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Thomas N. Burg: Wow, congrats to Socialtext. A very strong sign that the Internet and IT bounces back even if it is different to what we expected. Nobody ever thought that Social Software and the like will ever generate revenues - at least not 2 years ago. Read the full **Academy Awards Acceptance Speech** it's worth the link...
[.:| randgänge |:.]   11:08:29 AM  Link  Google It!  
> David Sifry: When I look up Technorati on Technorati today, the top results (e.g. Michael Fioritto, paidContent, Om Malik, and John Battelle) carry news that we've received venture funding. Some of you may wonder why we generally don't bother talking about investment stuff. Isn't it news, after all?
[Sifry's Alerts]   10:55:52 AM  Link  Google It!