John Perry Barlow: Among the beliefs that he and I shared was a conviction that making public the intimately personal is a revolutionary act in an atomized society where many feel compelled to play so close to the chest that they can't read their own cards. Being emotionally naked before strangers extends to them a permission for self-revelation they badly need if they are to loosen the shackles of their own quiet desperations. It is a blow against the pursuit of loneliness...
[BarlowFriendz] 12:20:04 PM Link Google It!
Matthew Rothenberg: Jobs and Co. tweaked Microsoft's collective nose with this
brassy assertion back at June's Worldwide Developers Conference. During that Mac developer lovefest, Apple insisted that its next big cat (due in the first half of 2005) will deliver most of the features promised for the beefy Windows upgrade (slated for 2006). Longhorn is cowpathing, Apple maintained, and Tiger will take a chunk out of its hide. Now that boast turns out to be inaccurate: It was too conservative...
[Rothenberg's Mac Enterprise] 11:55:28 AM Link Google It!