Hossein Derakhshan: After writing a couple of posts about the nuclear issue in Iran and urging Iranian citizens to talk and think about it despite the strong control of the regime on this issue, my Persian weblog has apparently blocked in more ISPs. I've received several emails and comments, mostly from outside Tehran, that they can't access Editor: Myself anymore since yesterday. As a result, I've lost some 1,500 visitors per day. However, alternative domains, which is one of the most effective ways to beat censorship, are still available, such as editormyself.com. But every alternative domain name costs up to $10 and...
[Editor: Myself (English)] 3:01:41 AM Link Google It!
Scott Young: Monday is one of those days that never quite fits right. Yes, things are happening here at
UserLand - in fact quite a few. We have a bunch of new customers, several in the Fortune 500 category, great new features in
Manila 9.1 being released RSS style through the root update process all this week (a wonder in itself), more very important additions and fixes that will go out tonight, some mind-blowing new products on the way, wonderful discussions like the
CEO of Sun, Jonathan Schwartz, using his blog to change public perceptions, and much more.
[Scott Young's Radio Weblog] 12:48:17 AM Link Google It!