Jeff Weiner
: It's hard to believe it's been only six months to the day we launched our own search technology and forever changed the way we develop and deploy Yahoo! Search products and services. Since that time, search seems to increasingly be on a lot of people's minds: users, webmasters, Internet companies, journalists, marketers, industry analysts, and investors alike all share a greater interest in the search industry than at any other time in the Internet's history. When you think about it, the timing makes perfect sense as four separate events are converging...
[Yahoo! Search blog] 9:33:44 PM Link Google It!
Chris Pirillo: A Better
eBay RSS Engine! And I'm not just saying that because I helped put it together. Seriously, you[base ']ve got a lot more options with this sucker - and we're planning on adding more (including support for different syndication formats and JavaScript output for easier personal auction lists for your blog). (1) Complete the form to your satisfaction; (2) Press the 'Search' button or tap your Enter key; (3) Subscribe to or syndicate the resulting RSS URL! Yes, it's really that easy - and if you're an eBay addict, then this will quickly become your best friend.
[Chris Pirillo] 6:41:16 PM Link Google It!
Darren Barefoot: I don't wish to flog a dead horse, but I was just having an argument about Canada's relative lameness at the Summer Olympics. I whipped out my medals-per-millions estimates from the comments thread in
my previous post on the subject. In searching for some related data, I found a much more authoritative chart from the always useful
NationMaster. These people, incidentally, provide a great one-stop shop for global statistics...
[] 4:42:25 PM Link Google It!
Hossein Derakhshan: Recent controversy around the Iranian Judo champion's refusal to compete with his Israeli rival in Olympic 2004 games, has sparked an unprecedented anger among Iranians. Based on the comments people have left in a BBC Persian story (which I hope somebody could translate some of it to English), and a small poll (online polls are not reliable, I know) I've put in my Persian blog, I have to say that I've never seen Iranians more frustrated by the irrational policy of Iranian government against Israel. More than 82 percent of all my readers disagree or strongly disagree with Arash Miresmalili's...
[Editor: Myself (English)] 3:09:55 AM Link Google It!