Dina Mehta: A search on
Google has plenty of results on
"blogging addiction blog" - i ran out of steam on the first page - and its more of the A-lister posts around this that i seem to have picked up as their google rankings are higher - will spend more time later sifting out more gems on this ! As i was doing this post, i was sharing it with a friend and he asked me what about your blogging addiction ? why is it so addictive ? how addictive is it ? what are withdrawal symptoms if you could not blog ? I think it has partly to do with self expression, partly with identity, partly with community -
my blog is my social network - its part of a community i belong to - i lose touch with my community - i dont feel i am pushing my community further. Its not a good feeling...
[Conversations with Dina] 4:49:11 PM Link Google It!
Matthew Rothenberg: After all Apple's protestations to the contrary, could this really be the year of the Mac Tablet? Tony Smith of The Register thinks it's a distinct possibility--and he's got the European trademark filing to prove it.
According to his article (and accompanying illustrations), the company is seeking to trademark a "handheld computer" packed into a chassis that resembles a disembodied iBook screen and lacks any obvious keyboard...
[Rothenberg's Mac Enterprise] 2:47:25 PM Link Google It!
Julie Powell: Julia Child was ninety-one years old when she died, late yesterday, in her sleep. It's the death that all of us want, after a life so full it would seem she was one of history's true lucky souls, if only luck had had anything to do with it. She enriched the lives of thousands — my life she quite literally turned around. She died well-loved, and I hope she died well-fed. There is no tragedy here. It's a day for remembrance, and celebration...
[The Julie/Julia Project] 2:30:43 PM Link Google It!