David Sifry: This is part 2 of a series of posts describing the growth of blogging during 2003-2004 that is an expansion of the talk I gave at last week's excellent Web 2.0 conference. You can view
Part 1, which covers the overall size of the blogosphere. With the
tremendous growth in the number of weblogs also comes an increase in the number of posts per day, also known as
posting volume. This is an excellent proxy for the amount of time spent on blogging, because greater posting frequency means that more people are posting more often, and it also tends to validate the increased number of blogs that are out there. As of October 6, 2004, there are approximately 400,000 posts created every day in the blogosphere, which averages out to about 4.6 posts per second, or over 16,000 posts per hour...
[Sifry's Alerts] 10:12:45 PM Link Google It!
Glenn Fleishman: Because I don't have enough blogs already, I have just started one devoted to my obsession about information about books: that's right, a book information information blog. I call it ISBlogN. It's based on my experiences at Amazon.com, consulting for Powell's Books and Half.com, and running isbn.nu for five years....
[GlennLog] 1:40:21 PM Link Google It!
Mitch Kapor: To keep the focus here on OSAF matters, I'm not going to post pointers to my political blogging on a post by post basis, tempting thought it is. Instead check out the RSS feed here or the blog itself. Please feel free to add to your blog roll....
[Mitch Kapor's Weblog] 1:22:28 PM Link Google It!