Votemaster: It is noteworthy that Nader is still polling a few percent in most states, even in states where he is not on the ballot. He could make the difference and end up giving Bush 4 more years. I saw a website,, that matches up Nader supporters in swing states with Kerry supporters in solid states (either red or blue) so they can swap votes, with the swing stater voting for Kerry and the solid stater voting for Nader. In physics they would call this "The law of conservation of Naderism." The Republican answer should be a site pairing Bush and Badnarik the same way, but I haven't seen one. Members of Congress do essentially the same thing all the time: when a Democrat goes back home and knows he will miss a vote, he finds a friendly Republican who agrees to abstain. When the Republican is out of town and misses a vote, the Democrat abstains.
[Electoral Vote Predictor 2004] 2:54:26 AM Link Google It!