Saturday, February 19, 2005

> Will Richardson: One thing I seem to be noticing more and more of is teachers who are blogging about their working lives. And it seems like there is a burgeoning support network out there that is pretty cool. Hipteacher has been on my blogroll for awhile. But all of a sudden I've run accross Mz. Smlph, First Year Teacher, Catherine Grimm, The Flaming Cheeto... Sheesh... maybe there really are "a few hundred thousand" educators blogging out there...
[Weblogg-ed News]   11:33:19 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Jeremy Zawodny: As Dave Sifry notes, there's going to be a Web Spam Squashing Summit next week: Thursday, Feb 24th. Technorati is organizing the event (thanks guys!) and we're hosting it on-site at Yahoo in Sunnyvale. The main goal to get the tool makers in a room together to talk about web spam, share info, and brainstorm. So far AOL, Google, MSG, Six Apart, Technorati, and Yahoo are on board. I hope we'll also have representation from Feedster, WordPress (hi Matt), and...
[Jeremy Zawodny's blog]   12:07:22 AM  Link  Google It!