Alwin Hawkins: I was re-reading Mark's
10 Tips on Writing the Living Web today, and it helped me clarify just why I am still writing here after 5 years - excruciatingly long years, according to some folks who have since moved on. I think it's a great guide for anyone who is either starting to write a weblog. It's also valuable to anyone who has become "stuck" - either unable to write, or who is afflicted by "broken record syndrome" and is having problems moving on. A classic "writing for the World Wide Web" essay. Recommended.
[code: theWebSocket;] 6:07:53 PM Link Google It!
Rogers Cadenhead: I received a certified letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield today straight out of the film
Brazil. The contents: one piece of paper cancelling my policy, a 3/4" inch square styrofoam cube, and this note explaining the presence of the cube:
The styrofoam cube enclosed in this envelope is being included by the sender to meet a United States Postal Service regulation. This regulation requires the letter or package to be 3/4 of an inch thick at its thickest point. The cube has no other purpose and may be disposed of upon opening this correspondence.
[Workbench] 3:41:35 PM Link Google It!
Bob Wyman: The guys on the Cutting Through blog have documented a wonderful case of adapting blogs, syndication and podcasting to the "real world" of business requirements. In their case the problem was providing competitive intelligence...
[As I May Think...] 3:34:30 PM Link Google It!