Tuesday, February 22, 2005

> Don Park: Enough people have already commented on what is wrong with Google's AutoLink, most of which I agree 100% with, so I won't delve into that.  Instead, I'll write about how to fix it...
[Don Park's Daily Habit]   3:53:24 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Jeremy Zawodny: On Thursday of this week, I'll be one of four panelists speaking at a lunchtime meeting the San Francisco Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) on the topic of blogging and PR: Our expert panel will tackle the burning issue of how PR practitioners can effectively leverage the emerging blog landscape, while avoiding the danger zones of a new medium that is dynamically altering the world of public communication...
[Jeremy Zawodny's blog]   3:51:07 PM  Link  Google It!