Scott Young: UserLand's Jake Savin will be attending the
Web Spam Squashing Summit on Feb. 24. I don't have a ton of details at this point, but it looks to be an interesting gathering of companies with a vested interest in developing a strategy to combat a complex and ever present problem. Spam has rendered email practically useless for many people. If there is one thing that could just kill the consumer side of blogs, its spam. Just noticing the spam in Dave Sifry's post points out how pervasive this problem can be.
[Scott Young's Radio Weblog] 9:23:16 PM Link Google It!
Liz Ditz: Jerry Brown is one of the more interesting politicians on the planet. He is still saddled with the snide conservative nickname: "Governor Moonbeam". He's been the mayor of Oakland since 1998. He just started blogging...
[I Speak of Dreams] 9:09:54 PM Link Google It!