Brent Simmons’ Macintosh scripting weblog.
Friday, November 16, 2001 Create RSS channels from HTML news sites.
8:44:16 PM  

MacSSH 2.1fc2 released. (Via, an excellent AppleScript resource.)
8:38:56 PM  

O’Reilly: Designing a Great UI the Aqua Way. “Most programmers will tell you they’d rather write algorithms all day with a dull crayon than even think of building a user interface.”
5:17:06 PM  

Clearing up a misconception: Carbon apps can provide Services, not just use them.
4:49:35 PM  

Mac OS X Hints: Docked terminal windows and system performance. “My machine immediately became very very slow and hard to use. I managed to get a ‘top -u 10’ launched in my Terminal, and noticed that the Dock was using 70% of my CPU!”
12:18:26 PM  

Apache XML-RPC, previously known as Helma XML-RPC, is a Java implementation.
11:35:36 AM  

O’Reilly: Why Use a Command Line Instead of Windows? “Years ago, I took a class on computer user-interface design. Some of my professor’s words have stayed with me since then. One characteristic of a user-friendly system, he told us, is that it does what the user wants. In other words, the most user-friendly system isn’t necessarily the simplest one.”
10:33:15 AM  

Mac OS X Hints: Using with sendmail in 10.1.1.
9:42:25 AM  

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s beta 2 release is beta 3 of MarshmallowLibrarian, a local search engine for developer documentation. A joke about ’smores ought to fit in nicely here.
9:34:39 AM  

November 2001
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