Brent Simmons’ Macintosh scripting weblog.
Sunday, November 18, 2001

Slashdot: With XML, is the Time Right for Hierarchical DBs? “We now live in a web world that demands quick access to a variety of data on a variety of platforms. XML is being used to facilitate this, and XML has, of course, a hierarchical structure.”
3:32:23 PM  

Mac OS X Hints: Finding news sites for use with SlashDock. “In a former submission to MacOSXHints, Slashdock was lauded, but users in the comments section seemed quite perplexed about where you could find other, non-techie news sources for the Dockling.”
3:28:43 PM  

Mac OS X Hints: A primer on using jot in Unix. “In one swell foop, you’ve combined several powerful commands into a sequential and specific flow that takes only seconds to type.”
3:25:24 PM  

Mac OS X Hints: Compiling and installing the latest OpenSSH.
3:23:10 PM  

Stone Design’s DOCtor converts WORD files to PDF files. “If people email you a Word document (.doc or .DOC) and you don’t have Microsoft Word, it’s a pain.” Award for Understatement of the Year goes to Stone Design.
11:27:00 AM  

Darwin support added to pkgsrc. “Alistair G. Crooks has added initial support for Darwin (1.4) to the NetBSD Packages Collection.”
11:23:11 AM  

F-Script 1.1 for Mac OS X released. “F-Script is a lightweight object-oriented scripting layer specifically designed for Mac OS X object system (i.e. Cocoa). F-Script provides scripting and interactive access to Cocoa frameworks and custom Objective-C objects. It aims to be a useful and fun tool for both beginners and experts, allowing to interactively explore, test and use Cocoa-based objects and frameworks.”
11:21:51 AM  

Zope 2.4.3 for Mac OS X. “This our first release of a Zope 2.4.3 binary distribution for Mac OS X. This distribution contains Python 2.1.1, Zope 2.4.3 and several additions for Zope.”
11:20:07 AM  

November 2001
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