Updated: 5/7/02; 4:31:36 PM.
db's Radio Weblog
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Screwed *

[I've got about six days to find a new ISP. PSINet is dumping the service they provide. That's not six business days. Six days. It's virtually guaranteed I'll be off the 'net... And this is after months of trying to get DSL service back here, with Verizon totally messing it up. Dammit to hell.

It get's worse. DSL providers that never sent a packet my way are billing me because my account has been handed off from one to another as they serially go out of business. Each time I call the transition team and explain that my account was not handled by the previous provider and that it being passed on in error. Each time, they continue to bill me despite my repeated phone calls until they go out of business and pass the account on to the next brain dead business. Is it any wonder they fail? Maybe I should try and get the current company who claims that I owe them money for a service they've never provided to get the line up and running... It'll never happen.]

Developments and such *

Welcome to PDF Sages. "This is the home of PDF Sages, a company dedicated to providing unmatched PDF-oriented consulting and development services." [Here's the thing... "Leonard Rosenthol, PDF Sages' Chief Technology Officer" Hi Leonard!]

The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC. "The Pragmatic Programmers work with companies to help them develop software faster and more accurately. Our clients like what we do. We don't rely on elaborate processes or complex tools. Instead, we work with and guide developers using just enough process and just enough technology to get the job done." [Good book!]

AgileAlliance. "The AgileAlliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the concepts of agile software development, and helping organizations adopt those concepts. "

RFC: Port Forwarding Tool. "On Osx, Frontier runs as a user process, not as root. Therefore, it can't bind to ports below 1024. We have been using port forwarding to forward low numbered ports to high numbered ports." *

The New York Times on Radio UserLand. [The paper of record meets the home of Web publishing. Does it get any better than this? Congratulations to everyone involved.] *

[It does get better. Part of what the Web does is even the playing field. My little guy pub looks just the same as the Times' feed... Heh.] *

[Yesterday, someone said "Never in a million years will anyone figure it out." I'm pretty sure, that turned out to be incorrect. Just thought I'd point that out for my personal pleasure.]

Scottish lass seeks. "...the more scientific approach of Mystic Lass reading the virtual tea leaves deep in Radio's innards." [And kudos to you as well (and Effie).]

Studio *

I'm off to the studio shortly... should be fun. Suppposedly they're getting a big, fat, DSL line installed today. If so... I'll be able to keep up with the going's on from there. [Update: Verizon sucks so much! 169volts DC coming down the pair... installation defered until Verizon can fix their misinstallation. Dagnabbit!]

Baseball *

(Yeah, the Knicks suck this year... there'll be no post season clash with the start of the baseball season for me this year.)

I'm glad Boomer is back and pitching well. I saw him pitch at the stadium when he was last with NY... spinning in that big curve ball for a first strike time and again. Same year he pitched a perfect game. Now years later, back surgery later, he's looking good from the highlights and stats they report on the evening news. Go Boomer!
11:25:14 PM    comment

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