Updated: 3/2/2002; 12:20:34 PM.
Alan A. Reiter's Radio Weblog
Wireless, wireless Internet and other mostly high-tech musings

Monday, February 04, 2002

WiFi and walkie-talkies

Doc Searls: "WiFi is to the Wireless Internet what walkie-talkies are to the cell phone system."  Doc likes the basic idea behind Boingo Wireless, but doesn't like the emphasis on Windows or the lack of coverage.

I like the basic concept, too.  However, Boingo has two serious problems that are now deal-killers for most of the target market.  I'll discuss this in detail in Reiter's Block later this week.

11:08:26 PM    

S.F. Chronicle:  "Verizon's 3G not that great"

San Francisco Chronicle columnist, Henry Norr, examines Verizon Wireless' new CDMA 1xRTT data service and finds it usable, but a far cry from all the hype surrounding 3G.  Amen.

He says it's not as fast as he expected or as reliable.  But "Verizon's service is here today....That's more than I can say about any other wireless technology."

Well, VoiceStream does provide GSM GPRS service and both AT&T Wireless and Cingular Wireless are rolling out similar GPRS serivces around the country.  GPRS isn't quite as fast, but it's just the beginning of this service in the U.S.

Norr provides a realistic appraisal of the Verizon data service.  But this really is the first CDMA 1xRTT service in the U.S., and problems are to be expected.  As I wrote in my first Reiter's Block commentary, the service is too expensive, but the technology will be able to provide speeds that are close to or better than regular landline dialup connections.

Sprint PCS will offer 1xRTT service in the middle of this year.

There are lots of problems with cellular data, but the industry is progressing.

2:26:00 PM    

BoingBoing on wireless and amusement parks

Cory Doctorow's BoingBoing has some interesting speculations about how pagers with location/tracking capabilities could be used at amusement parks.  He's following up on an item I posted about how Six Flags will begin providing these devices for $10 per person at some of its parks.

"This amounts to a TiVo for theme parks...." he writes.  Nice turn of a phrase!

1:57:28 PM    

Wireless Week publishes wireless blogging column

Wireless Week, which is arguably the best U.S. weekly publication for the wireless industry, has published a column about the value of wireless blogging.  Not coincidentally <g>, I suggested the idea to Brad Smith, the IP/data editor who wrote the column for the "Wireless Internet Magazine" section within Wireless Week.  I emphasized the value of wireless for quickly updating Webogs, the ease of establishing a Weblog and the value of Weblogs for conferences and corporations. 

I also pointed Brad to a variety of useful Weblogs that have used wireless for updates.  The Wireless Week article mentions  Dave Winer, Glenn Fleishman, Doc Searls and Craig Burton using wireless for updating their Weblogs because, well, I told the reporter about them.

I indeed believe the combination of wireless + Weblogs is powerful and valuable, and I intend to promote the concept as part of my wireless Internet consulting.  I just added a box on far right column of the home page of my main Wireless Internet & Mobile Computing Web site to promote wireless weblogs.

I am going to publish an article about wireless blogging in an upcoming issue of Reiter's Block, my free weekly e-mail commentaries.  In addition, I'm have been promoting the idea to the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA), which will offer WiFi access during its huge Wireless 2002 conference and exposition in mid-March at the Orange County Convention Center.  There are some technical/logistical problems with offering WiFi throughout the conference center -- through no fault of the CTIA's -- but there will be some access.

Wireless 2002 -- which is the largest wireless show in the U.S. -- is a great place to demonstrate the value of wireless + Weblogs.

During Wireless 2002 I'd like to demonstrate in real-time how use wireless to update a Weblog.  I'm doing a day-long workshop, Wireless Data University, which includes an afternoon roundtable discussion about wireless LANs and PANs.  That would be a great time to show wireless blogging in action but, alas, I don't think there will be WiFi access in the meeting rooms.

10:50:40 AM    

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