Aggressive launches of Asian WLANs
Doc Searls pointed me to Kevin Webach's brief item about hotspots in Asia. Kevin is the editor of Esther Dyson's Release 1.0 newsletter and he "gets it." Kevin pointed to the original article he read about Asian wireless LANs. Read the original!
Korea Telecom will initially roll out about 10,000 802.11 hotspots in that country. Hanaro Telecom, also in Korea, will launch some 15,000 hotspots.
In Japan, thousands of 802.11 access points also are being installed. One service, WIS-net, signed up 9,000 subscribers the first month. Other companies in Japan, including J-Phone, are actively exploring WiFi service.
Compare these services to Boingo Wireless, which recently launched in the U.S. with about 400 hotspots. My down-and-dirty analysis of Boingo: It has a long way to go. For my "up-and-clean" detailed analysis of Boingo, subscribe to Reiter's Block, my new, free, e-mail commentaries. It's cheap at twice the price!
8:21:33 PM