Updated: 6/7/2002; 11:06:05 AM.
Reiter's Wireless Internet/802.11 Weblog
Wireless, wireless Internet, wireless LANs and other mostly high-tech musings

Friday, May 10, 2002

Good Technology:  A breath of fresh air
for Mobitex devices?

If you haven't read about a new company, Good Technology, that just publicly announced a new device and new enterprise e-mail/PIM software for the Cingular Wireless Mobitex network, you need to know about this.  Check out, for example, USA Today's article.  Basically, Good Technology is offering a device that is a cross between a RIM 950 pager and the RIM 957 PDA-shaped pager.

The device is only part of the solution.  Good Technology also is offering client/server software for easy synchronization and message management via Microsoft Exchange.

The device, the Good G100 Handheld, has a smaller screen than the 950, but what looks like a better keyboard than the 957.

As I've written before, I like the higher resolution screen on the 957, but much prefer the keyboard on the 950.

Good Technnology is good news for the Mobitex business, Cingular and users.  It seems to me that RIM has been placing much greater emphasis on its 5810 and 5820 devices which are designed for cellular networks.  The cellular products are the same shape as a 957, but with voice capabilities added.

Not good: 5810/5820

As I've previously written, RIM's new data-voice devices are a kludge.  They are just fine to data, but as a cellular phone they aren't very good.  RIM's focusing on the cellular business because there are hundreds of millions of cellular users around the world.  That does indeed make business sense.

In order to convince cellular operators to purchase RIM devices, the company had to include voice.  The devices as they stand now are niche products for vertical markets.  If there isn't a Mobitex system in the country, the RIM devices should be fine, assuming the cellular data network (GSM GPRS) performs well.  I suspect a high percentage of people will carry a cellular phone plus a RIM 5810 or 5820.

But as a voice device, the 5810/20 are losers.  This doesn't mean that RIM is standing still.  I wouldn't be surprised to see better data-voice devices from RIM, perhaps with a new form factor and a color screen.  I don't know, however, whether there will be new devices for Mobitex.  If there are, then my comments about RIM's focus on cellular might have to be softened...just a bit.  But I think the newer devices will be for cellular, rather than for Mobitex.

RIM/Good Mobitex strategy

Perhaps RIM's strategy is to deemphasize Mobitex development but license its technology to companies that want to enter the Mobitex business.  That's where Good Technology comes in, although I don't know whether Good has licensed any RIM technology.  It seems likely, though.

Today's 950 and 957 devices are great for e-mail.  But the screens are monochrome and the PIM functionality is lame.  Perhaps Good will offer a variety of devices, though as a startup is has to be fairly cautious.  Still, I believe that color as well as more applications are important elements to growing the Mobitex market.

Mobitex is growing around the world, the hype over 2.5G and 3G notwithstanding.  There are more than 1 million Mobitex users, of which the vast majority are in the U.S. using Cingular's network.

I'll probably know a lot more about Good Technology in a few days.  I'm heading to Orlando on Monday to attend Cingular's WAVE 2002 conference where it will highlight its strategy for Mobitex and cellular.  If you want to know what Cingular is up to and how Mobitex is progressing, WAVE 2002 is a good place to be.

1:33:36 PM    

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