How can you get someone to test the browser reload button for hours?
15295 » March 5 2:45 PM. The Euphemism Generator can create up to 68,289,490 unique phrases!
Keep this one away from folks who are under-supervised and/or paid by the hour. You have been warned.
8:49:48 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this
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These things are sucky...
- Having projects in the pan, but needing info from others to continue working on them.
- Having a lingering cold, that could take a turn for the worse at any moment.
- Having the mancub come home with a fine case of pink-eye(s) yesterday.
- Having to juggle schedules with SHE so that we can each do our work stuff.
These things are cool...
- Getting a cool idea in the shower for Yet Another project.
- Getting a problem solved for someone.
- Getting a lengthy link to your blog on Scripting News. :-)
- Getting to have a job where you can juggle things around in times like this.
- Getting to spend half the day with the mancub, even if he is sick.
And blessings go out to John, the caretaker of GeneHack.orgcom, who will soon know what some of these things are like, firsthand. Congratulations, blessings, and prayers to you and yours.
11:54:38 AM [] blah blah blah'd on this