Stupid fun with a cool browser's prefs
Hint: Do a search on Brent's page, which lists all of the toys people use to hit his site, for the word "mullet". Lalalalalala, no, I don't know who that could be.... Lalalalalala, oh no, sir, not me... 10:54:26 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]()
OK, that's a good reason!
After we get home and eat some snacks, the mancub stands before me as I'm trying to check my email to see if anything has blown up at work. "Up, up up!" he says, while waving his hands. (translation: "O Father, wouldst thou be so kind as to hoist me onto thy lap, please?") I lean over to him, smile and ask, "And why should I do that?" "Because I love you." The dial-up connection times out as I hold him in my lap and he falls asleep. 8:44:15 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]()
Why you'd wanna hack the Orinoco base station in the first place More on the Orinoco-to-Airport 802.11 hackMore det .... More on the Orinoco-to-Airport 802.11 hack A nifty follow-up to the how to hack yer Orinoco into an Airport Base Station announcement I blinked from GlennF. 3:35:12 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this ![]() ![]()